Wednesday, January 27, 2016



1. You cry watching all sorts of videos your friends post on Facebook

  • That video where the couple adopts that little boy? You're bawling. It's so incredibly happy! 

2. You suddenly want to learn to cook

  • You're watching all sorts of tv shows where they teach you how to cook. You're constantly         asking coworkers for easy recipes to try. You're using the slow cooker more, and wanting to impress the husband.

3. You think you're fat, but you haven't gained a pound

  • "Are my pants tighter?!" "All my shirts make me look fat!" "wait, maybe it's the pants..." "Where is the scale??... oh... it's the same... why do I look so fat?!"

4. You're scared if anyone finds out, but you want everyone to know

  • "Hey world! I wish you all knew, but I don't want to tell you!... Why can't you just figure it out and ask me, instead?" Or you just want to tell someone but you're afraid you're going to get judged up and down for making that kind of decision. Why is it so scary to tell anyone?

5. You yell, you laugh, and you cry all within a matter of a few minutes

  • One second everything is hilarious, then you and the husband can't find the shirt you want and you're yelling at him, and minutes later you're in tears. But don't worry, in a few seconds you'll be laughing again at some parody youtube video.

6. Walking up a flight of stairs exhausts you

  • Yeah, I was hiking mountains all summer long, but I can't get up that flight of stairs in a pair of heels without my throat hurting and needing some water. Not to mention picking up a case of water now puts you out of breath. Literally everything you did millions of times without breaking a sweat... kinda hard now.

7. You want to suddenly shop for everything

  • You go to the store and it takes way too long to get out because you have to window shop every section for what you "need" or want. You convince yourself the whole time you need all this stuff, then spend the rest of the time convincing yourself you don't, and just go home. "Just wait..." you tell yourself.

8. You watch everything you eat

  • "How many calories is that?" "What kind of fish is that?" "Is this pasteurized?" Checking all the food labels, texting all the people, asking all the questions.

9. Laying on your back and stomach feels weird

  • Oh, sharp pain on that side, too much pressure on the front, feeling suffocated on your back... how does this even make sense??

10. You spend lots of time reading facts

  • You could spend hours listing off facts and warnings because you spend so much time reading about everything. From your apps to questions on the internet, to articles about it all... you're constantly reading. Probably because you're constantly panicking.

Now these sure fire ways may not be symptoms doctors describe, but for me and probably many other people, it could mean you're having a baby...

Baby Allred is due July 28th! 
Disclaimer: We didn't only use these facts to know, there have been a couple doctor visits so far as well. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

One year down... A look back on our wedding day...

I never actually blogged about my wedding day. Since it is now my 1st anniversary today, and this is basically my online journal, I figured it's about that time.

I remember going to bed the night before our wedding and thinking- 'this is it... my life will never be the same..' and that's exactly how I wanted it. I slept at our new apartment, and Reed spent the night just 6 blocks away at my sister and brother-in-law's place. I woke up at 6 AM the morning of our big day, and my bff and hairstylist, Emilee, showed up just minutes later. I wish I could remember what we sat and watched while she did my hair. Soon Reed showed up, made all 3 of us an amazing breakfast complete with orange juice. Our wedding was at 10:20, which meant we needed to be at the Salt Lake Temple at 8:50. So at 7 something, we were out the door.

We were pretty early to the temple, and my mom wasn't quite there yet. So they separated us and just took us where we needed to be. They then made me turn off my phone and I sat in panic waiting for my mom to show up. She was late, and the whole time I sat waiting the ladies at the temple kept asking if they could just help me get ready. "No, my mom needs to be here. I'm her last daughter to be married. She has to be here." I can't count how many times I told them that. Finally she showed up and we got ready. We were still ready pretty early, so Reed and I got to sit in the Celestial room together for a little bit... okay, a long bit. We were dozing on and off in there for about 45 minutes. We watched couples come in, and then get pulled out, and we got nothing. We had no idea what time it was, and kept asking if they forgot about us.

Finally they pulled us out!! And right as they did, they said "oh, actually we didn't mean to grab you guys. we meant to get another couple." gah! the waiting! it was killing me! We both decided we'd just go to the bathroom, and when we came out we saw our sealer panicking because he was searching for us. Guess they really did mean to get us? He talked to us for a few minutes, explained what would be happening, and we were on our way in... If any of you know President Wixom (General primary president), it was her husband who sealed us. They were Reed's mission parents, so not only did he seal us, but she got to be at the ceremony too, which was a huge honor. (Is it bad to fan-girl over someone in the church?)

Meanwhile... this whole time we had been waiting... The people in the sealing room we were assigned to wouldn't clear out. So the temple workers decided to relocate where our ceremony would be. They switched up the rooms. Apparently not everyone got the memo. So when they grabbed us, they did mean to grab us. Then somewhere in there they mixed up, sent us away, and sent ANOTHER couple into the room our family was in! No joke, my family was like- "we aren't here for them." Can you imagine the horror of that poor couple? HA! So then came the panic in trying to find us again. HAHAHAHA! The whole time my family was thinking we were late to the temple, and being slow, because the wedding started about 15 minutes late. Really we were in the celestial room dying the whole time.

We finally got married, and then got separated again for changing. I had this dress that was a corset back, with a corset underneath, so it took a good 20-30 minutes to assemble, and I literally couldn't breath in it. It was pretty awesome though, because they let two of my friends wait behind in the temple to help fix my hair, get my shoes on, and throw in the veil.

Coming out is super awkward. The photographer tells you what to do, but it's not all coordinated together with each other, so I feel like we just looked stupid coming out.

Anyway, hugs were given... blah blah blah...
It all ended up working out. Now I might add that because it has been one year, we can now eat that first layer of our cake. This gorgeous cake was made by my talented friend, and previous coworker, Kristyn. She did an amazing job! All I said was sparkle and elegance and she whipped out this. Which I may add, Reed is still really mad that the leftovers from feeding guests did not end up in our fridge, but instead got thrown away. At least we have that top layer!

The last year has flown by. I can't believe how fast it has gone. At least eternity is forever, right? I married the most amazing man. He is always conscious and mindful of my needs. The first couple months was hard, as any couple could relate to. You're taking two lives that have done things completely different for the last 26 and 27 years, and putting them together. We've gone through Reed losing a job, me changing jobs, emergency room visits, sicknesses, laughing together, crying together, holding each other and never wanting to let go... Sine we've been married Reed has valiantly and consistently taken out the garbage. I've never done it our whole marriage. It's pretty far away, and he's never complained, and I rarely ask him to do it. It's just done. Reed does most the laundry as well. The laundry facility is downstairs, and across the complex. He takes it upon himself to just gather it up, and trek the heavy loads down there. What do I ever do? Well I do all the deep cleaning my momma taught me that Reed doesn't realize needs to be done. :) I love this man with all my heart. I never realized I could love someone this much. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart... I think I'll keep you forever.