Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Summer Later...

May.... I have not been on my blog since May... Now that is just plain sad...

So in January I started becoming in contact with my best friend's mission companion. Oh, my best friend is Kim. So Kim said that I would love this girl because we are so much alike! My first thought was... 'really? cuz if i met someone just like me, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't like them...' (you know me...) So I keep in contact with this girl... and the more i keep in contact, the more i like her! She and I continued to write each other, even when she was no longer companions with Kim. Well this wonderful girl came home last week, and today i got to meet her!!! It was like- i dunno.. AMAZING! We totally clicked in real life, just like we did in letters, and i just wanna be with this girl more! I waited so long to meet her! i'm so glad that Kim 'introduced' us. i love them both!

Well what has happened this summer? not a ton, i'll be honest. I have STILL not had Dr Pepper since March! My roommate is addicted to it, so i get tempted a lot by seeing it so much. I have done well, though. i was craving it like crazy the other day! so i bought rootbeer.... and it felt better. really, it did.

OOH OOH! i got a nice tan! yee haw! i got a tan from laying out by the pool, and this picture doesn't show it as well as it is. I am way darker than i was at the beginning of the summer, believe me.

i am craving a country boy. like- for reals. i need to marry a country boy. I want someone with an accent. I think a country accent is SO attractive! weird, right? i know.

I miss singing. I miss singing with groups and with my sisters, and such. I am craving just singing with some little singers, and such. If anyone is interested, please... let me know!

Well this is probably the most boring blog post i've ever written. I have had the weirdest things happen to me with my roommate, Nat, and i wish i wasn't too lazy to post them. Maybe i will post one story at a time... later. Well i'm out, world. have a good night!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Dear Blogger World,
Life is good. I have a story for you all, but first i'll just tell you, i LOVE being moved out! i love all my roommates, and i love my ward! Everyone is so much fun, and they are all so friendly!! Now here's my story of the day:

Once upon a time there was a girl. One Monday in May, girl was traveling home with a friend she met from her ward. This friend works super-duper close to her, and FHE happened to be earlier today than it normally was, so she gave this friend a ride home. As they were driving home, they were talking about their days and girl was singing along to the music on the radio. 

All of a sudden something happened... The car felt funny and they could both hear and feel something weird. Then the girl started to panic! her heart started beating faster and she was pretty much freaking out at the boy. She started yelling things like- "Crap! I can't get off the road! [insert boy's name] stick your arm out the window!!" In which boy looked at her completely ridiculously like she was an idiot. She thought it was a good idea. At this point they were on a highway where the speed limit was 50 and they were going probably 20. she then started yelling again "Where the heck are my hazards?! i hate this car!" As Girl frantically searched for her stupid hazards, She noticed [boy] reaching over and pushing the big red button between the air vents. Yeah, it was a pretty obvious place... Soon the cars let her in and she was able to pull off the road safely. 

Girl and her friend got out of the car to see if she had anything to change a tire with. (*note: being this a newer car for her, she really had no idea whether she had a tire, a jack, or anything at all.) As they were surveying the equipment, Girl had a nice SPAZ attack and started freaking out at the poor boy saying things like- "oh my gosh! oh my gosh! can i cry? i think i'm gonna cry! look! my hands are shaking. i refuse to drive!" after a short talk, they decided to pull the car into a close parking lot. Of course, she made him slowly drive it there, as she continued to spaz and hug the dashboard of her baby, Sophie. Once in there, it was discovered that he didn't know a ton about changing a tire. And although she did, she wasn't strong enough to do it. but she figured between the 2 of them, it couldn't be that hard. Except when they realized that they didn't know where to put the stupid jack under her plastic car. (they couldn't fine the metal piece that would steady it.)

Then came another nice boy! and he helped them change it! and him and girl's friend took turns being strong, and such. Girl, still being a girl, continued to freak out as she drove the car with the doughnut home to park until the next day when she could get new tires. Poor, poor nice guy. Girl was lucky she happened to be driving home with him that day, so that he could calm her down at spaz-out moments.

Morals of the story:
1. Make sure if you're going to pop a tire on the way home from work, that you have a guy with you.
2. Figure out where your hazards are, before you have to use them. and maybe put a sign up in case you     forget...
3. Buy new tires before the old ones get really bad.
4. Try not to spaz at someone you've only known for a week. They might think you're crazy after that.

Hope everyone's days go great!! hahaha! :D

Love, Melanie

oh! ps. i still haven't had dr pepper! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Movin' out and still dr pepper free!

Well guys it's been a few weeks now. I've wanted to blog, really i have.. but i just don't usually have much to say. Not to a website, anyway. Nevertheless, i want you all to know that i have still not had dr pepper! and i haven't had cravings for it, either. But lets be honest here. I wasn't drinking as much as the average American, either. let me google this..

"the average working American about 200-500 ml a stay at home American any where from 250ml to 2L" -

i was drinking 354.882 ml of soda every few days. that's only a 12 oz can. So it's not like i was doing terribly bad. Still, not healthy... but it sounds a lot worse in milliliters...

Well friends it has come to that time of the year when Melanie has decided that she needs to move out. Yup! The 25th i will be moving to Provo. I'm very excited about this. At the same time, though, yesterday was a little hard. I basically got released from my 2 year calling and i cried! yeah, I'm a loser like that. i cried like 3 times at church yesterday and once after. i honestly didn't think I'd be this sad about leaving. The fact, though, that I've gotten so attached to the comfort of the ward and such means it's about time for a change. so this is a good thing. I'm very much looking forward to it, and meeting new people!

Only thing that really sucks about it all is that i have like- nothing. As in- dishes, pans, anything to cook with. I don't have anything! i have like 4 mugs from VitalSmarts. Good thing i have these guys! so i hope i can find like cheap junk or stuff i can use. i think i have one deep frying pan that has a rack that can go in it for steaming and such. which is nice. thanks to my sister for giving it to me. but other than that... if y'all wanna let me know where i can get some cheap pans or something (other than DI...(idk where those things have been) i would love to know.

This is all i can think of to chat about today. If you have any suggestions, hit me up on facebook, or leave a comment. Also, cheap fun recipes would be cool. Thanks guys!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dr Pepper hold out

I just wanted to let you all know that it has been a week and a half, and i'm still going strong! No Dr. Pepper! I have so many opportunities to get it and it's everywhere around me! So i'm really proud of myself. :) I need the new Change Anything book that is coming out from my company in April. Wish i had a copy now. That would really help me secure my change, so that i don't go back into it. I don't want to be a slave to dr pepper! i know it sounds really dramatic, but if you think about it, it's not so awesome. Going through the day thinking you need anything that's an addiction is bad. Time to break free.  Check the ticker at the bottom of the page for updates on how long it's been.

It is kinda fun to break a habit and brag about it. So, try it! and for tips, order the Change Anything book from VitalSmarts. And no, i'm not doing a promo for them or getting paid for this or anything. I really am just excited for this book and to read it.

Also, i still don't have a name for my car. Think of one, and post your comment. thanks!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Story of The 3 Beautiful Girls and The Young Attractive Cop. :)

Once upon a time there were 3 beautiful girls. These girls were having a splendid time spending their evening together. After watching A Knights Tale, these girls decided that they were long overdue for a Slurpee. So the 3 beautiful girls decided that they would drive in Girl #1's cute Suzuki to get Slurpee's from Springville's 7 Eleven. The drive over was enjoyable. The girls chatted and even Sir Thomas (the GPS) enjoyed the ride. When arriving upon 7 Eleven, the 3 beautiful girls jumped out of the unnamed Suzuki, and headed inside. Checking out was quite adventurous... but not really... There was a super creepy guy standing next to the register. He looked stoned and was looking to buy a massive drink and a pack of cigarettes. To the girls, it looked as though he might not have had enough money. So girl #1, being extremely cautious, barely opened her wallet, not letting the scary dude (who was staring her down) see into her wallet. Girls #2 and #3 were also cautious. They quickly went to the car and locked the doors. After turning on Sir Thomas, the girls were on their way. (note: they knew how to get home, but Sir Thomas was fun to play with). Driving home was equally as fun as driving to 7 Eleven, but slightly more so because they now had Slurpees! Along the drive home from 7 Eleven, the girls passed a cop who was being sneaky chilling on the side of the road. Girl #1 then realized that she had no idea what the speed limit was. Sometimes Sir Thomas lets her know, but this time Sir Thomas didn't know, either. Looking in her rear view mirror, she realized the cop had pulled out and was beginning to catch up to her. Girl #1 at this point (since she was driving) was freaking out a little. Then the cop car turned on his lights and the girls were busted. Girl #1 was shaking all over as the cop came up to Girl #2's window. (he couldn't come up to Girl #1's window, because they were on a highway). Then the lovely Springville cop asked for her license, registration, and proof of insurance. Girl #1 responded with "why did i get pulled over? was i speeding?" To which the cop responded, "i'll explain that later." After searching for about 30 seconds for the registration, amid all the random licensing papers in the jockey box, it was found.  During which the cop explained that none of the lights on the back of the car were working. Girl #1 sat dumbfounded. Suzuki (the car with no current name) was just inspected 2 weeks earlier. how can this be? When she finally threw her brain back into place, she looked at her dashboard to find that the young attractive cop was right. They weren't broken, she had just forgotten to turn them on. She then turned to the cop and said "oops! Now they're on!" a little confused, the cop continued to question why they now worked as opposed to before. Girl #1 responded "Yes, well... there are day lights. They are as bright as my night lights. They are always on. I forgot to turn my regular lights on. They should all be on and working now!" To which she then smiled. :) (girl #1 has a very pretty smile, so the cop couldn't get mad at the stupidity) The cop then took her registration and started walking away as Girl #1 shouted, "would you like my insurance? it's right here in this big packet!" The young and slightly attractive cop then responded, "no, it's okay." (It can be assumed that since it took way too long to find the registration, that he didn't care to go through a million papers to find the cards, as well.) The cop then walked back to his car to do some research to see if she was a good girl. To which he found that she was. He wasn't gone long before he came back and knocked on Girl #3's window. That's right... Girl #3. Girl #1 was still shaking at this point and rolled down that window rather than her own. The young attractive cop then got embarrassed and apologized for knocking on the wrong window. The right window was then rolled down and he handed the registration back to Girl #1. In a panic (because for some reason, she was STILL shaking) she chucked it at Girl #2, who was in the passenger seat. (Girl #2 was very nice, she put everything back.) The young attractive cop left with his few last words: "drive safe! and don't forget to turn your lights on!" To which the embarrassed beautiful Girl #1 responded, "okay, thanks! i'll put a note up or something..." and then smiled as he walked away. The 3 beautiful girls were then back on the road. They finished off their enjoyable night with some good laughs about the young attractive cop, and by watching Phineus and Ferb. Which we all know is the best show in the whole entire world. And they all lived happily ever after!

NOTE TO READERS: Sources cannot confirm nor deny whether this story is really historical. Or whether it happened on March 18th, or not. They also cannot confirm that the 3 beautiful girls were named: Melanie, Suzy and Denise. ...(in that order). It is a pretty good story, nevertheless.

Have a wonderful day! REMEMBER: turn your lights on when you drive at night. Also, if you happen to get pulled over by a young attractive cop: smile, and act stupid. It actually works. :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dr. Pepper Free!!

Hello Blogger World! I'm sitting here, eating lunch, and i thought it would be a good time to get on here and blog a little. (yes, i'm eating lunch at 3. i kinda forgot about that part of the day.) So last night i was putting together a CD for my bestest friend, who is currently on a mission. Her companion had talked on the tape she had sent us, so we thought we'd talk to her companion as well. it was pretty fun. well anyway, transfers are THIS weekend! bad, right?! i know, i procrastinate. well there were some sections we recorded on the stupid Audacity program that i had accidentally saved as data, rather than sound. There HAD to be an easier way to- what do you call it...??- change the file type? but for some reason, it split the whole sound up into sections of 12 seconds a piece. So we had to go into each one and export them as WAV files, and then put it all into movie maker or something, and compress them all. it took FOREVER! like i said- i'm sure there was a WAY easier way to do this. We unfortunately did not know of any easier way. So my brother and i were both up until 3 getting this CD done. Now if it doesn't get to Illinois in time, i'mma be kinda sad. Anyway, it was kinda funny. One stupid mistake that i didn't take 10 seconds to make sure i did right in the first place, led me to hours of conflict. WAIT- that reminds me of a principle! :) haha! jk, i won't go into that. To all of you who are wondering, yes, i did go out and buy a digital recorder today, so that i do not have to mess with Audacity anymore. :) I'm super stoked about this!

i don't have much to say today...i could brag about some random things, but i'm not super in the mood to do that. I hope your day is fabulous!

OOH! actually, guess what. i'm gonna start a goal. I'm going to put it on my blog, so that i can remember it always. (not that i remember that i even have a blog some days) but hopefully you friends can help. No more Dr. Pepper. Once i start, i don't stop. And i want to stop!! So i haven't had one since last week, but i'm going to make it official today. Maybe i can find like- a count up thing that helps or something...  .......The searching is done! Okay, so i found a baby age counting thing. but it works just the same way! Check there! It says Dr. Pepper Free is ______ old. hahahaha! it works. ALRIGHT! i'm excited!! Don't let me relapse! ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I guess it's been almost 2 months...

So this is a little sad and pathetic. I wanted a blog for a little while, and now that i have one, i really don't care about it. Mostly because you know... you wanna make it interesting for someone else to waste their time reading, but you don't wanna open your whole life story to someone. Also, what's up with the whiny blogs? Really? Do people not have anything better to do than spend their day whining to an online blog? Get a dog. Then at least  you can cuddle with it, right? You could even just write it all in your personal journal. Then maybe when you get old and die, your grandchildren will read it and be like- "man! that grandma so-and-so was a whiner! can you imagine having to deal with that?!" Okay, I will give exceptions... some people don't have friends. And what better thing to do than complain to people who don't even know you? If they read it, that's their own fault. I will say that I also understand having days where you are a little grumpy, and don't care if the world knows it. Secretly you just want people to feel sorry for you. You can have those days... just not everyday. Am I being to rude here? Perhaps I am... I should try and be a little nicer. I really don't read very many blogs. I just hear about them.

I don't know what persuaded me to write on my faithful little blog here. Perhaps the lack of interest in everything else that is going on in the online world. You know, i've been thinking. Facebook is becoming a way of life. Jump online, see how everyone else's lives are going. Really, what would you do without it? The same thing as before? which was... nothing? I wonder how much of peoples internet surfing is limited to just Facebook. Really... Think about it. If we got rid of it, would internet companies lose money? I'll admit i spend time on and I check my email... but that is usually the extent of it. Sometimes i won't even touch my facebook all day, but it's logged in on my computer most the time. In fact, it's in another tab right now. I could live without Hulu, we have Netflix... Interesting concept to think about. What would you spend the boring part of your days doing? Plus, half my plans with my friends are made through facebook. Which is completely pathetic. Would we begin using our phones a little more to have live contact with people? Maybe it wouldn't be a super bad thing. But where we are now, everyone is doing it. I'm just saying: if facebook randomly crashed... what would we facebook addicts go back to doing? think about it...

 Okay, let's bring up a more positive subject. I don't want you all crying at the thought of Facebook leaving. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. My little brother just left to serve a mission for our church. It's actually really weird at night. He used to be the last one in. Now I can lock the door when I come in. Actually I have been really good. I never hang out with anyone anymore, so i'm usually home. But Denise.... what a naughty girl. I see her while she's working  yesterday and say, "I'll see you at 10:45, when you get home!" I even saved her some pizza that i bought. After it hit 12:15 i texted her. No response. I proceeded to text again at 12:40, and finally at 12:45 i called her to see if she was dead. Instead she laughs, and says she's about to come home. I took a bite of the pizza i had originally saved for her, and threw it in the fridge. That goober. haha! So i guess we do have to worry about Denise. She has now become the rebellious child who doesn't come home at night.

New news... I got a new car! okay it was like a month ago. But i'm still trying to get it to pass emissions. haha! It isn't that hard. Only a 300 dollar expense. Which is actually lucky. I know that my car is in good shape, and getting a new part only guarantees that you won't have to replace that part again for a while. So I'm looking at this positively. Why make yourself mad about it? The only frustrating part about it was trying to find the exact part. We haven't gotten the part in yet, and i'm really crossing my fingers that it will work. It's a complicated situation. For future reference to everyone else: Don't buy a car that needs to meet California emissions. If you do, look at it positively. They seem a little more strict, so maybe your car will be full of good parts that will last longer, right? RIGHT! One more thing about the car. She doesn't have a name... I've been trying to think of a good one, but i got nothin'. And i'm not getting a lot of suggestions. So if you have an idea, shout it out.