Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's A Way Of Life...

Hello World! After reading my roommate's blogs, I was feeling a little... what's the word... lazy? yeah, that's it! Lazy. So blogging world, I wanted to update you on things. It has been about 17 months since I've posted anything. So what's new you ask? 

Well for one, I'm moving a lot quicker. Alright guys, here is your motivation of the day. Okay? In August of 2011, back last time I wrote I went to the doctor. (cuz that's what i do when i don't feel good. so for 3 or 4 years or whatever, I've been going to the doctor far too often. I was always sick, didn't know why. Like every morning and night I was nauseated and I just didn't feel up to par like- ever.) ... fun background, right?..

Okay so I go and he's like- "Wow, you're still sick.." and I'm like- "Thanks genius, didn't need to pay someone 40 bucks to tell me that." and then he has the audacity to be all- "Well let me take away your happiness... I bet you'll feel better after that." and I was like- "let me beat you with a stick and see if you feel better after THAT!"

Fine, so that's not REALLY how it went. In the end he was like- "Avoid all food that makes you happy." and i was like- "YAAAAYYY!" (still wasn't like that either, but you get the point.)

So what does this include? Here are my list of No No's:
Red meat or fatty meat (hamburger, bacon, sausage, pork, beef... yada...)
Anything deep fried (doughnuts, french fries, all things delicious. including potato chips.)
Ice cream
Cheese (my favorite topping for- everything)
Alfredo Sauce
Anything really fatty or greasy looking

So seriously there was nothing else that i knew how to eat. Really. I am pretty sure I ate pizza at least once a week that whole summer before he told me this. 

So this is me during that summer:

Well I'm the type of person who likes to be told "I'm proud of you!" and "Good job, Mel!" So naturally, I thought I'd obey, then I could get praise, and prove them wrong and keep going with being sick. I should also mention that my doctor told me no sweets, and to switch to whole grain. Which most things I eat are whole grain. The whole sweets thing is hard though. Anyway, here I am obeying and the first week I stop eating this crap, I lose 5 pounds. I was like- 'what the?!' So for a while I was basically eating rice and salad everyday for like the first 3 months, because I didn't know what was healthy. I've learned to modify a lot of things so I can eat it now though, and that's pretty cool. 

So after like 7 months, and losing like 40 pounds or something, I had a health thingy at work. My cholesterol and glucose levels were excellent, and i was like- wow. If only I were in shape. I should work on that. So I start talking to a friend and I get a gym pass at the same place he goes. So here I am working up on that as well. Well i'm not super good at working out consistently all the time, but I do a pretty good job. So here I am now:

Okay so I know I still have a ways to go. I have lost 70 pounds, though!! Here is your motivation of the century! If i can do it, you sure as heck can do it!

My favorite food was a bacon cheeseburger!! Now it's occasional turkey burgers, veggie burgers, or just veggies. I haven't had a cheeseburger since August 2011. OR a potato chip! (also favorites). My favorite anytime snack? French fries! Used to be, anyway! You can live without them! I'm serious. I thought for sure my life would end, and that i'd never eat anything again. But guess what? There is such good food out there, and it's delicious, and you feel SO amazing when you eat it! If you are struggling to lose weight, try it for a couple weeks. You honestly just feel good. 

Are you ready for the next cool part? I feel like i'm not in shape at all still. Okay, I am in better shape than a lot of my friends, but i still don't feel like I am. I think it would work out better if i didn't have such crappy knees. Anyway, some people from my ward were going to go for a hike on President's Day. It was supposed to be a total of 5 miles. We were headed up to the hot pots up Spanish Fork Canyon. I'm thinking- 'Okay, i do Zumba for an hour, so I might survive this...'

So i'm thinking- AWESOME! I'm totally going to see if I can do this. Well we get there and the road to the trailhead is closed. So some random guy tells us it's an extra 2 miles. So i'm thinking- Crap. okay Mel, you can do this. 9 miles today instead of 5. I'll just pray a lot. So we go, and it's the most rigorous thing I've ever done. (because let's face it, i haven't done lot) but i keep thinking- 'OH my gosh. i'm not dead! I can do this!' So on the way back we find out from a biker that it's actually 3.5 miles in. not 2. So add another 3 miles to that 9, and I finish the day having hiked 12 miles! 12 miles, guys! Me. See that first picture up there? Yeah, fatty Mel made progress. So what makes you think that you can't do the same? It's been 2 days and i'm sore, but i feel amazing! 

So what is stopping you from going and getting what you want? Trust me, the food isn't worth it. You can do it, guys! 

I had pictures of the way up, but for some reason my stupid iPhone deleted them. So these are all in order. The top left is just barely getting to the hot pots. Maybe. It might be right before. So that's after 6 miles. Then you got some on the way back, and it's frickin' cold, and that last one in the bottom right corner is after it was done!! My endorphins were sky rocketed! I was so happy that i did it! 
So I may have 7 blisters on my feet now, but i did it. My bestest friend, Michelle, was a huge motivation too. She did a good job at helping me keep up the motivation and urge to keep going. Same with that guy in there. They pushed me.

So there's my last year and a half since you've heard from me. What have you been doing?