Friday, May 31, 2013

All About Me... (Like in preschool... adorable, right?)

Here is your random list of quirks about me that you probably never cared to know:

1. I like to keep things in even numbers, unless it's in 5's. Take 2 pieces of bread, 2 batteries, and 2 slices of cheese at a time. Otherwise you are left with 1 in the end. I hate that!

2. I have a wide variety of music. It extends from country to hiphop to rap to folk and jazz... it includes many things... except rock. I only do alternative rock. Not all your oldie rock crap. No, keep it away. Tip: if you make me listen to it, I probably won't date you or hang around you, either. Which can be a positive or a negative for you, however you look at it.

3. Sometimes I act really negative about things so that in the end I can be surprised. Sad, right? It's true. Most the time I might think I can do something, but will bash myself so I can surprise myself and then reward myself. I like rewards.

4. My favorite words to hear are: "I'm proud of you!" I don't know why. When I hear them I feel like I just won the lottery. It feels really good!

5. I like Famous Dave's sweet and spicy pickles. It's true. I just eat them like they're candy.

6. I don't really have a favorite color. I lean towards green and pink, and don't like the sight of yellow, but for the most part, I don't care.

7.I love cars. Seriously. Growing up with car experts in the family really gave me an appreciation for some of those beauties out on the road. My heart literally starts beating faster when I see (even just on TV) a Lamborghini, Bugatti, Corvette, Ferrari, Porsche, or any other gorgeous sports car.

8. I hate getting my face or head wet. A lot. I'm pretty sure I let out random squeaks of dissatisfaction every time I get in the shower. I hate it. You'd think after 24 years of showers and baths I'd be used to it, but I'm not. I hate it. I also on the same note don't like showering in the morning. It makes me grumpy. I do most of my showering at night unless I decide to do an early morning workout.

9. I don't like reading. I don't know why. My older siblings love it, and I detest it. I hate reading out loud, and I hate reading in my head (except blogs and Buzzfeed and KSL). In 3rd grade my dad made me go outside and read and I threw a fit and put my hand through the window and now have an inch and a half long scar on my wrist. It will forever be the mark that proves that I hate reading.

10. I never got acne in my teenage years. I was one of those girls like from the movies that everyone hated because I never washed my face and got less than 10 zits all through high school. Then every time I got one I had a super massive freak-out (which still happens, in case you're wondering). 

11. I've never broken a bone, but I've had 2 concussions and 1 brain contusion (from doing normal daily activities). While I was suffering from the contusion I watched Harry Potter 4-7 or whatever it is, and I don't remember 90% of it. So if anyone wants a marathon, I'm down!

12. Sometimes I like reading other people's blogs about how terrible their life is because it makes me feel like I have the best life ever (even if they honestly are whining about something super insignificant, which is usually what it is).

13. I'm obsessed with our family chocolate chip cookie recipe. They stay soft for days, and I honestly think they are better than anyone else's cookie recipe. My mom makes them better than me, so I leave it to her. I just get really really excited when I come home and mommy has made cookies!! (my friends do too)

14. I've always hated exercising. Seriously. The thought of putting my body through pain has never been exciting to me. For some odd reason, I find myself doing it a few times a week, and if there is no pain I beat myself up for not working hard enough.

15. Ice cream is probably the #1 hardest thing for me to turn down. If I turn it down EVER just go with it and don't fight me. It's me seriously trying to be strong. I love ice cream more than any other dessert. 

Well there's your list of 15 random things about me. Maybe it'll explain a few reasons for why I'm the way I am, maybe it won't. Either way, hope it wasn't a complete waste of your time.