Well the last couple days have been entertaining! Last night as I was invading my parents room and begging my dad to build a fire in the fire place, I decided I was hungry. Well my parents didn't seem to care that much. I suddenly burst with: "I have pizza dough! Just add water!" My mom responded that it might be a good idea. My dad chimed in with: "I have hamburger." So I had my mom put together the dough, my dad made the hamburger, and I sliced olives. A few minutes later, my brother came home with peperoni to put on our pizza, and as we were so excited to put it all together, my sister and I realized that we didn't have any sauce to put on the pizza. Only a small can of tomato sauce. After thinking for a time, we busted out the tomato soup and mixed it with the little bit of tomato sauce and threw in some spices, and put together our pizzas. To our surprise, it was actually delicious!! for .47 cent dough that you just add water to, it was way good! Props to them! (the sauce wasn't bad, either!)
Blond moment of the day: Walk to my car, get in, turn the key... won't start. Won't even try to start. Battery? Not dead... hmm... thoughts: "dangit. I'm already late." (and yet, too tired to freak out.) Walk back in the house, get dad. Walk back out, open hood, jiggle battery...still won't start. Wait for dad to change his clothes... dad walks out, sits in car. Hear a *click*, dad turns key, car starts. Only response from dad as he walks inside: "Your car has to be in park for it to start." Hmmmm.... my bad!
So German is probably the most entertaining class I have ever taken! Especially with the people that are in it! So we all get along pretty well in the class, and have actually talked about having German parties together. (don't know if that would really ever happen.) So there are about 10-15 of us that always sit in the same seats, squished into the right 3 rows in the classroom and like 3-5 people on the other side of the classroom by themselves. Our professor usually just talks to us on the right side of the room. Well today we decided to switch it up. We all stayed in order and moved all the way to the left. It was hilarious! The professor walked in and hardly knew what to do. We were all just laughing, and everyone else who walked in had the face like: "Dude, you guys all just totally ruined my WHOLE day. What have you done?!" It made my day that much better!
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