-Christmas Morning my brothers woke up early and made breakfast for the family. (like i said, hearts of gold). So my mom walks in and says, "Wow! Those are beautiful eggs!" To which Tanner instantly throws out, "You should have seen the chickens!" Ha!
-Later we look at our presents (they get put in piles for us), and we saw that we had received Motor Oil. "Times have changed. Santa now delivers liquid coal."
-I bought Daisy a bone for Christmas, knowing she wouldn't enjoy a toy like Toby. Well Daisy showed little interest in the bone. Unless Godiva tried to eat it. It was even Hickory flavored! One of the brothers stated, "Daisy only likes fast food." Nothing she has to work at. I guess I should have gotten her a cheeseburger.
-"I've never seen a white elephant." -Tanner
It's been fun here at work, as well. Tuesday was supposed to be our "funtivity" for the OPS team, so we were supposed to go to a movie as well as lunch, but we only hit up lunch. Which was fine. We went to a Thai place next to Zurchers in Orem. I forget what's it's called. It was pretty good. I ordered orange chicken and i'm stoked to get home and eat it. Today we also got to go out to eat! My boss felt bad for us, because there were a few of us that had no choice but to be at work. So we went to La Carretas (is that how it's spelled? idk) behind Sizzler in Orem. It was AMAZING! It's Peruvian, so it was a brand new experience. I had chicken that was marinated in grapefruit juice and garlic, topped with parsley. SO GOOD! It came with Rice, a salad, and french fries... french fries? yeah, that's what i thought. delicious! but odd...It was kinda funny because the salad didn't look like salad. it was shredded lettuce with tomatoes and stuff on top. Honestly i didn't know it was a salad... It looked like something I'd throw on a burger, so i didn't touch it. Finally when we were all finished, i got a little hassle from my friend at work about not eating the salad. I was like- what salad? oh... that's a salad? haha! oh well. I was stuffed to the rim! just like Brian Reagan when he eats 2 Fig Newtons. But i really ate a ton. *Minus the salad that looked like toppings to a burger. :) I also got a gift card for a Frozen Yogurt place for being here. When my company takes care of you, they REALLY take care of you.
Does anyone else hate the snow that has been falling ALL DAY?! I barely got out of the driveway, then i was going 15 mph on my straight road, and i was practically all over! It was really scary. Luckily Provo roads were WAY better than Spanish Fork and Palmyra. I do hope it stops snowing, even though i know it's not supposed to stop for a while. I hope people stay safe during the storm! Lets not have power poles falling down again. did i write about that? probably not. I'll do that when i'm on my laptop. My pictures are uploaded on there. And on Facebook. Okay, be safe!